János AdolfSzabó - János A. Szabó - J.A. Szabó

Curriculum Vitae


"Imagination is more important than knowledge.
Knowledge is limited
, imagination encircles the world."

Albert Einstein


Curriculum Vitae





Research projects

Current Researches

Personal site




Change Of Name and webpage of the Company

Dear Visitors,

Its my pleasure to announce that  the name of the company has been changed from GLOBEal Contact UnLtd to HYDROInform UnLtd!
That's the reason why the content of this page has been moved to [http://www.hydroinform.hu/CV_Janos.html]".

I would kindly inform you, that we will keep this site until 31.12.2012, so please update your links, bookmarks and my Email-address as well.

Regards. János A. SZABÓ (new Email: janos.szabo@hydroinform.hu)